Shandong Locnt Enzymes Co., Ltd. won the title of "China's Top 100 Light Industry Science and Technology Enterprises"

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On August 10, 2022, the high-quality development summit forum of China's top 100 light industry enterprises was held in Beijing with the theme of "implementing the strategy of the new era and building a strong country in light industry".

On August 10, 2022, the high-quality development summit forum of China's top 100 light industry enterprises was held in Beijing with the theme of "implementing the strategy of the new era and building a strong country in light industry". At the meeting, the "Announcement on the Evaluation Results of China's Top 100 Light Industry Science and Technology Enterprises (2021)" was released. Shandong Locnt Enzymes Co., Ltd. ranked 33rd among the "China Light Industry Top 100 Science and Technology Enterprises". Guo Qingwen, the company's deputy general manager, represented the company on stage Received medals and certificates.


China's top 100 light industry science and technology enterprises are outstanding representatives of the light industry industry, advanced examples of practicing the strategy of rejuvenating the country through science and technology, and a leading force in scientific and technological innovation in China's light industry. The honorary title of "China's Top 100 Light Industry Science and Technology Enterprises" is a high recognition of the company's scientific and technological innovation. As a leader in the enzyme preparation industry, the company has continued to grow in size while strengthening scientific and technological innovation to achieve scientific and technological independence. We have firmly embarked on the path of innovation-driven high-quality development.

In the next step, the company will implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s series of important instructions on scientific and technological innovation, implement the national innovation-driven development strategy, use scientific and technological innovation as a strong support for high-quality development, work hard in scientific and technological innovation, improve independent innovation capabilities, and enhance the core competitiveness of the enterprise. We will work hard to realize the beautiful vision of "becoming a provider of first-class products, first-class solutions and first-class services in the world's enzyme preparation industry" as soon as possible.


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